Fly Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee...

Fly Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee...

Muhammad Ali's Quote seemed appropriate..."Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee, the hands can't hit what the eyes can't see"

First of all let's talk about summer heat and all the things that need doing in the yard this time of year. I was out pruning the bushes near the driveway along the fenceline and I had already tackled 2 bushes and gave the trimmings to the goats. They love the bay leaf! Anywho, what happened next was totally unexpected. With the heat of summer, my sweating, and the rise in activity of any "stinging evil" that is present, it was the perfect storm.

I've not really had a problem with bees or anything bothering me since moving here and didn't even think to look out for anything. They usually stay to the woods or forest areas. Then BAM BAM BAM! They flew out as I was working and I was stung several times on my chin!


I was so grateful if was me and not little Charlie, who had just been playing over by this particular bush over the weekend. 

I immediately ran inside and went to my pantry and pulled out an infusion that I knew would help. You see, 4 weeks prior, I had started an infusion of Mullein, Plantain, and Calendula in olive oil and stuck it in a cool dark place, the pantry, to process. It would be time this week to pull it out, strain it and make a healing salve. However, I had not done that yet. So I dove into the jar grabbed the plant material and slapped it on my chin. 

The burn began to ease up a lot faster than anything I had ever used before. I was so glad because in the past, I would have blistered up. Not this time!

Getting stung by a bee, a hornet, or wasp can be a painful experience. But do you know the difference between these stings and how to naturally heal them? Let's dive in and find out.

What's the Difference?

Bees, hornets, and wasps all have different venom compositions, which can result in varying reactions when stung. Bees leave their stinger behind, while hornets and wasps can sting multiple times. Bees are generally less aggressive than hornets and wasps, which can be more territorial.

Healing Naturally

After getting stung, it's important to act quickly to reduce swelling and pain. One natural remedy is to apply a paste made of baking soda and water to the affected area. This can help neutralize the acidity of the venom and alleviate discomfort. These ingredients are easily found in most kitchen cabinets. I have found it's hit or miss depending on the type of sting.

Another natural option is to apply a cold compress to the sting site to reduce inflammation. Cold compress can be used over any mixture to create a dynamic duo impact. A mixture of honey and aloe vera can also help soothe the skin and promote healing.

If you want a better option, try the ingredients I used for myself. 

Healing Oil Recipe for Stings:

Equal parts calendula, mullein, and plaintain

Cover with Olive oil and let sit for a minimum of 4 weeks in a cool dark place.

Strain and use the oil directly or as a base for making a salve.

(We will be making this salve at our next Holistic Creations. To REGISTER click HERE.)

When to Seek Medical Help

While most bee, hornet, or wasp stings can be treated at home with natural remedies, there are instances where medical attention may be necessary. If you experience severe swelling, difficulty breathing, or a rapid heartbeat after being stung, seek medical help immediately.

It's also important to seek medical attention if you have a known allergy to bee, hornet, or wasp stings, as this can result in a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to avoiding bee, hornet, or wasp stings. Stay alert when outdoors, avoid wearing strong fragrances or bright colors, and keep food and drinks covered to deter these insects.

By understanding the differences between bee, hornet, and wasp stings and knowing how to naturally heal them, you can be better prepared to handle these situations with ease. Stay safe and enjoy the great outdoors!

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