Who are we, what's our vision, and how can you help?

Who are we, what's our vision, and how can you help?

I can't believe we are coming to the end of summer. The temperatures have been crazy high for us as well as everyone else on the planet. With all that's been going on, we have still been moving forward.

I've gotten so many questions about what I'm doing here on the farm that I thought I'd take a minute and share my vision.

If you've read over the "about us" section, you'll have seen a little more there but maybe this will explain the why.

When I set out almost a year ago to buy this piece of heaven on earth, little did I know how things would unfold. I wanted a place to heal, to help others heal, to unplug & get quiet if only for a little while. My vision has unfolded to a beautiful site. 

The farm is here to help others find healing, clarity, and balance in the mind, body, and soul. This is accomplished with the use of frequency infused sound, organic foods (in season), and the healing touch of animals. My dream is to offer this place as a sanctuary of peace to others.

So, who is this for?

  • Adults and/or children going through or recovering from injury or illness
  • Veterans or active military personnel suffering from PTSD or other challenges they have aquired during their time serving
  • Anyone that needs to unplug for a few hours or, in the future, maybe even for an overnight or weekend stay

How can you help make this all possible?

  • Become a partner (details are in the works and will be posted soon)
  • Sponsorships - maybe you'd like to send somone or a specific group that you know would benefit
  • Donate time to help serve whether it's garden maintenance, cleaning cabins, cleaning up the animal areas or feeding the animals, or if you teach something such as breathwork, yoga, any outdoor fitness, maybe you like to work the grill, or take charge of the firepit on cooler autumn and winter nights.
  • Use this farm for your next event (health & wellness, group workout, pack walks, etc)
  • Get the word out, about what we are doing, to everyone you know

picture of miniature donkey

1st off, I couldn't do it without the help of other like minded individuals that have a heart of service. Already, so many have put their hard work into making my dream a reality. Plumbing services, land maintenance, fencing (split-rail and livestock), barns and shelters for the livestock, and more. My heart is so very grateful, and while I've been using what resources I have, I wouldn't change a thing except to allow others to take part in giving back to our community.

There are so many people who need what we have and now it's a matter of making it known that we are here. There is still work to do, but it's all coming together. In October, we will be having our 1 event. Please follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with all the details and future happenings.

Thank you all for your on-going encouragement and support.



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Would love to donate my time, whenever your ready for it.

Jacquelyn Townsend

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